If you've got high intolerance of uncertainty, you'll know what I'm talking about. If you don't, you'll click of the page and that's fine, you probably don't need this course.
I'm talking about that automatic anxious feeling in your stomach when you don't know exactly what's going on. Feeling that the outcome's going to be bad in any unclear situation. Not being able to make an important decision because you don't have all the facts, or making it too quickly to make the uncertainty go away. Putting off work when you're not sure what you're doing. Avoiding situations where you can't be sure what's going to happen.
That's intolerance of uncertainty.
Intolerance of uncertainty causes all sorts of problems, and most people don't even know it's a thing.
That's who this course is for.
Intolerance of uncertainty's far more common that you probably know, and it can have an ongoing affect on your wellbeing and the results you get in career, business and other aspects of your life. It can be really, really problematic. But the good news is, you can reduce it. It's possible to learn to tolerate uncertainty, even if it's something you've always found difficult.
You may have found workarounds to get around this, but that will stop you fixing the problem. And if it's still affecting your stress levels and your results, you can do something about it.
Over 8 modules, this course will explain what intolerance of uncertainty is, how it works, and give you methods to work on reducing the negative effects you feel when you find yourself in an uncertain situation. It's all online, so you can work through it in your own time. And after the introduction, each module comes with a workbook for you to do your own exercises and work on getting control of your negative responses to uncertainty.
You'll get everything you need to learn to deal with uncertainty, now, and in the future.
Uncertainty can be awful if it's something you're not comfortable with. I know that, I've been where you are.
You may feel like you'll never be able to deal with it. But in this course, you'll discover the methods that psychology teaches to help people do just that. And you'll become your own expert on dealing with uncertainty, and not letting it getting in the way of your life, your aspirations and your wellbeing.
What's Included in Dealing With Intolerance of Uncertainty?
If you're tired on uncertainty getting in your way, you don't have to put up with it. This is something you can change.
In this module we talk about dealing with worries that will remain even after increasing tolerance of uncertainty; the impact of IU on emotion, resilience and motivation; IU and narrative identity; and strategies for emotion regulation and problem solving.
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